SPC - HIllside

1. Front Cover 2. Page 1 Hillside North Front 3. Page 2 Hillside South Front 4. Page 3 Entrance Hall
5. Page 4 Survey Production Centre 1943 6. Page 5 Major AP Quaife MBE RE Commanding Officer 7. Page 6 8. Page 7 Conference
9. Page 8 Control 10. Page 9 Drawing Office Number 1 11. Page 10 Drawing Office Number 2 12. Page 11 Drawing Office Number 3
13. Page 12 Drawing Office 4 14. Page 13 Checking Office 15. Page 14 Process Camera 16. Page 15 Copying Camera
17. Page 16 Metal Printing 18. Page 17 Machine Room 19. Page 18 Folding and Punching 20. Page 19 Intelligence Department
21. Page 20 Administration 22. Page 21 Air Photo Library and Records 23. Page 22 Despatch Control 24. Page 23 Distribution and Despatch
25. Page 24 26. Page 25 27. Page 26 Sub Store 28. Page 27 Central Registry
29. Page 28 Non-Commissioned Officers 30. Page 29 Air Ministry Constabulary 31. Page 30 Motor Transport 32. Page 31
33. Target Map